Anneke Lucas

Anneke Lucas

As the founder of Liberation Prison Yoga, Anneke Lucas has led many workshops introducing participants to the Unconditional Model, a unique application for any service or modality, whether it is yoga, psychotherapy, intuitive healing, the Feldenkreis method, massage therapy, counseling or programming for underserved populations – or simply being present for a friend in need. With more than 30 years of personal healing from extreme childhood abuse, Lucas had no trouble finding helpful modalities, but the manner in which these were delivered formed enormous obstacles and re-traumatization. Bringing yoga to prisons since 2011 and working privately with survivors of sex trafficking and ritual abuse since 2015, Anneke has learned to share her own healing in the manner she would have loved to receive it, which became the Unconditional Model. She has given talks and workshops for the general public, and to therapists and other health providers around the world. She is working on a book Seeds Beneath the Snow: Uncovering the Divine Feminine on the Path to Global Equality scheduled to be released in 2021.


Nikki Kurt

Nikki Kurt

Nikki Kurt is a Soul Archaeologist and Seer who connects people, energy and words through her intuitive practice of healing as Art. She shares her collected wisdom through Graphic Storytelling – her practice of the art of Visual Word to capture the energy of the moment. Using simple visuals and typography, she distills complex thoughts, ideas and relationships to their essence in real time. Nikki uses her background in Communications Design and Illustration from Pratt Institute, alongside her many years of experience working in the Design and Innovation fields as the foundation for this creative practice. She has drawn and spoken in front of groups of thousands, has led intimate 1:1 healing sessions using Visual Word, and has trained hundreds of people all over the world in her Mindful Note-Taking method.

As an avid seeker of truth, she is always looking for new opportunities to expand consciousness through storytelling to empower others to reconnect with their human potential of listening, trusting and creation. You can find Nikki always with a Marker on hand, ready to capture the past, present and future moments, serving the greatest clarity of all.



Grounded: A Fierce, Feminine, Guide to Connecting to the Soil and Healing from the Ground Up

Erin Yu-Juin McMorrow

Erin Yu-Juin McMorrow

Erin Yu-Juin McMorrow, PhD, holds a doctorate in policy, planning and development from the University of Southern California, studied political and social thought at the University of Virginia and served as the director of housing policy with the Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness. She is also a certified yoga teacher, craniosacral therapist, and entrepreneur living in Los Angeles.